Paul E. Black, Software Write Block - Testing Support Tools Validation: Test Plan, Test Design, and Test Case Specification, NIST-IR 7207 A, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2005.
Paul E. Black, Software Write Block - Testing Support Tools Validation: Test and Code Review Report, NIST-IR 7207 B, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2005.

    This NIST Internal Report consists of two parts. Part A covers the planning, design, and specification of testing and reviewing the Software Write Block (SWB) support tools. Part B is the test and code review report.
    Part A gives a test plan, test design specification, and test case specification for validation of the disk drive software write block testing support tools. The test plan defines the scope, including specific items and features to be validated, the methodology or approach for validating the SWB test support tools, and some technical background. The test design specification gives requirements for validating SWB tools. These requirements yield assertions. Each assertion leads to one or more code reviews or test cases consisting of preconditions, values, and method(s) for gaining confidence that the SWB test support tools correctly assess those assertions, a test procedure and the expected results. The test case specification gives details of test and review procedures for setting up the test, performing the test, and assessing the results. Appendices include a code review checklist and source code for validation programs.
    Part B reports the results of reviewing the source code of the SWB test tools and testing them according to Part A. Only two anomalies were found: a test tool might overwrite memory if used with more than five disk drives, and if an SWB tool handles commands in extremely unorthodox ways, the behavior might not be accurately characterized by another test tool. Neither should cause invalid results.

Get Part A, test plan, test design, and test case specification, in PDF (190k).

Get Part B, test and code review report, in PDF (141k).

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Updated Mon May 23 14:07:44 2005

by Paul E. Black  (

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