Proceedings of Workshop on Software Security Assurance Tools,
Techniques, and Metrics, Paul E. Black (chair),
Michael Kass (Co-chair), and
Elizabeth Fong (editor),
NIST Special Publication 500-265, February 2006.
- Abstract:
This is the proceedings of a workshop held on November 7 and 8, 2005
in Long Beach, California, USA, hosted by the Software Diagnostics and
Conformance Testing Division, Information Technology Laboratory, of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The workshop,
"Software Security Assurance Tools, Techniques, and Metrics," is one
of a series in the NIST Software Assurance Measurement and Tool
Evaluation (SAMATE) project, which is partially funded by DHS to help
identify and enhance software security assurance (SSA) tools. The goal
of this workshop is to discuss and refine the taxonomy of flaws and
the taxonomy of functions, come to a consensus on which SSA functions
should first have specifications and standards tests developed, gather
SSA tools suppliers for "target practice" on reference datasets of
code, and identify gaps or research needs in SSA functions.
The proceedings include workshop material, descriptions of the target
practice, and 11 papers. The workshop URL is
Get the proceedings in
PDF (21M).
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Mon Feb 13 16:38:05 2006
by Paul E. Black
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