Paul E. Ammann and Paul E. Black, Test Generation and Recognition with Formal Methods, The First International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification, Limerick, Ireland (June 2000).

    The authors are part of a larger group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), George Mason University (GMU), and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Projects directed by group members use formal methods, particularly model checking, to investigate the generation and recognition of test sets for software systems. Our positions, in order of increasing potential controversy, are (1) the use of specifications is an important complement to code-based methods, (2) test set recognition is as important as test set generation, and (3) in spite of some known limitations, our generic framework for testing, with a test criterion as a parameter and a model checker for an engine, is a general approach that can handle many interesting specification-based test criteria.

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Updated Mon Apr 18 14:01:20 2005

by Paul E. Black  (

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