Vadim Okun, Paul E. Black, and Yaacov Yesha,
Comparison of Fault Classes in Specification-Based Testing,
Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, 46(8):525-533, 15 June
- Abstract:
Our results extending Kuhn's fault class hierarchy provide a
justification for the focus of fault-based testing strategies on
detecting particular faults and ignoring others. We develop a novel
analytical technique which allows us to elegantly prove that the
hierarchy applies to arbitrary expressions, not just those in
disjunctive normal form. We also use the technique to extend the
hierarchy to a wider range of fault classes. To demonstrate broad
applicability, we compare faults in practical situations and analyze
previous results. In particular, using our technique, we show that the
basic meaningful impact strategy of Weyuker et. al. tests for stuck-at
faults, not just variable negation faults.
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Fri Apr 2 13:22:54 2004
by Paul E. Black
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